Have you noticed the same situations or emotions repeating? If so, what are they?
Do you feel connected to your authentic self? Why or why not?
Have you tried any tools, strategies, or practices before? What worked or didn’t work?
On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your readiness. Explain your rating.
What changes do you imagine this might require?
Are you willing to address these fears head-on?
How do you typically respond to constructive criticism or new perspectives that challenge your current beliefs?
What has brought you to this point where you’re seeking transformation?
Be as specific as possible.
How would you know that you’ve achieved the transformation you’re seeking?
What motivates you to do this work?
What might get in the way of your commitment, and how can we address it?
Examples include time for coaching sessions, journaling, and self-reflection.
How do you typically follow through on commitments, and where do you struggle?
Do you feel comfortable processing and expressing your emotions? Why or why not?
Are you willing to explore and release these beliefs?
What did you learn, and how did it impact you?
How does this version of you think, act, and live?
Why have you avoided it, and are you ready to confront it now?
Please explain